Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Idea

So, I was eating brunch with my husband and friends at a neighborhood restaurant a week or so before Christmas when I spied something out the window. Something kind of amazing in a not-so-everyday sort of way. It was something that you'd think would be more common. Something that you like to believe is out there. Something that should be running rampant in daily life, but can be somewhat elusive. Or, at the very least, horribly overlooked. Unnoticed.


Just kindness.

So, I want to document it. Kindness, I mean. Look for it. Notice it. Participate in it. It's not a look at how nice I am sort of thing. It's a do-the-right-thing thing, the kind thing, and see what happens. I was thinking about doing something of note every day myself, but decided that's too forced, too contrived. So, it'll just be what I see others do. What kindnesses come spontaneously into my life. Others' lives.
Maybe it'll inspire people to live a considered day, week, life.

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