Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kindness: Manual Labor

This one isn't quite as "unseen" as previous kindnesses, but it deserves some attention none-the-less.

Next week, Husband and I are moving into a new place. We're totally excited about it - more space, cute neighborhood, seemingly awesome landlord. Another tally mark in the 'pro' column is that we're allowed to paint the place. And that's something that can really make a rental feel more like a home. It's currently painted, but more earthy, country than our taste. So we've decided to paint pretty much the whole thing. And we've gathered some troops to help us do it.

When we first started talking about the massive undertaking, I told Husband that we needed to have a painting party and get some friends to come and help. He was skeptical about that, presumably thinking no one would really want to come do that. But he was wrong. In fact, I'd say 80% of invitees are showing up or providing painting supplies.

Now, there are some reasons people may have stepped up:
  1. They heart painting. No, seriously, some people do. One friend said she'd help us pack because she loves packing but is not much of a painter. She won't be there, but there are others who adamantly profess their love of painting.
  2. They love free food and drinks. Really though, that's a lot of work for a few slices of pizza and a Coke. Or beer.
  3. They like getting together with friends. More likely. Some people will be meeting new people and some people will be catching up with oldies but goodies.
  4. They just wanna help a neighbor out. It warms my heart to envision us all in our empty place, working together to accomplish a goal (or 8 goals, as rooms go).
So, those are some of the motivations I'd guess are behind the massive volunteerism - 15 painters + 4 supply donors! Because, when it comes down to it, it's just manual labor. Sweating and getting paint all over yourself. And that's why it's an extra-special kindness. Kindness in an outpouring of friendly love. From the goodness of their hearts. Thanks in advance friends!

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